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Show Pending Transactions

By default, BankToSheets will only import "cleared" transactions into your Sheet. This can range from a delay of 1-5 days, depending on your bank's process for clearing the transaction. Cleared transactions are the only ones that should be categorized, and considered in your budgeting and tracking.

But, if you would like to also import "pending" transactions so that you can get a closer "real-time" glimpse of your accounts, here's how:

  1. Open the BTS window in one of your Sheets
  2. Go to the Menu
  3. Click on the "Import Pending Transactions"

This setting is unique to each sheet.

Output of Pending Transactions

If you have selected to Import Pending Transactions, then they will display this way:

  • They will have "(Pending)" at the beginning of the description.
  • If you add a column to your sheet called "pending", then it will populate with a TRUE/FALSE designation (or you can use a checkbox). You can then use this field for any conditional logic that you would like to create.
  • Pending transactions will not have an Auto-Category applied to them because they should not be considered in your Budget.

Next Phase

At this point, you may have the question of: will BTS delete the pending transaction after the cleared one is imported?

No, not yet. Currently Plaid is not 100% successful in matching the Cleared Transaction to the Pending one. Sometimes there is no match, which will leave the Pending transaction in the Sheet, or a Pending transaction is incorrectly linked to a Cleared one. So for now, BTS will not attempt to delete the Pending row.


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